Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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target. electric make Mickey Mouse, he led fighter formation dogfight with the enemy, far from our position over to let him disperse the enemy as soon as possible, in order to smoothly in our airborne troops parachuted and smoothly airdrop of supplies and ammunition. Was finished, I picked up the telescope to look to the enemy's position, see a tension of busy.
I went ahead back to his seat in the car, enjoying this after sunrise, the last quiet ...
Predawn stillness the day, the most hopeful moment, listening to the rhythmic slap of the waves against the shore, accompanied by slowly in slightly brackish sea breeze, everything is so beautiful, the only flaw is the arms less, do not! 2 spoiled beauty! but everyone at the moment the two sides are not in the mood to savor this time of peace, the most ordinary things but struggled in each other's hearts torment, waiting ...
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Head, the situation is not good, the enemy circuitous movement back to our armored forces, we have now been surrounded. those games, you want the game in the end, and eventually became the only winners? use your weapons in the hands tell me! gun, MG34 and MG42 into a ring ......
our artillery effectively eliminated the part of the enemy artillery, but the enemy artillery residual lethal or very please make a plan as soon as possible and, in any case, we will not let the position lost. '

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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The exception of the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia Navy are equipped with a change machine.
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July 17, 1939, the prototype R2052 Uwins Captain driving test flight two weeks after the test flight, RAF an abnormal cases, immediately signed a contract of 300 aircraft production (F17/39) for rapid mass production the aircraft promote .1940 October first Beaufighter 'MK IF equipment RAF 29 Squadron, the United Kingdom was the most secret nighttime interception radar plane is equipped with aircraft immediately after the war showed than radar) advantages. Firstly, the speed, easy placeholder, chasing; Second, four 20mm cannon powerful German night bombers can play volley explosion, only need a short burst.
Followed by the production process, the aircraft carried out a number of modifications, engines, ordnance with varied so that the aircraft's multi-purpose potential to get to play long range type suitable for long-range patrols of the North African desert; torpedo attack for RAF Coast Guard Command used.
The main modifications are as follows:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Friday, October 12, 2012

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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